Innovation in a Post-Pandemic Era

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, a lot of lawyers are having a hard time adjusting to life in this post-pandemic era. The pandemic has leveled the playing field leaving solo attorneys and law firm business owners of all sizes in the same boat of economic uncertainty. As a solo attorney or business owner, nothing can be left to fate if you want your business to thrive. Now is the time to adapt and find innovative solutions as you move forward in an evolving post-pandemic landscape.
In this episode, we speak with Mike Whelan. Mike has worked in logistics, solo law practice and legal media. Through his speaking, consulting, and writing, Mike aims to improve the lives of solo attorneys.
If you are looking for an innovative way to navigate the uncharted waters of our current post-pandemic era, then you won’t want to miss this episode.

In this episode, Mike and I discuss:

  • Innovation as a life mantra 
  • How starting law school in the 2008 recession created an innovator’s mindset
  • How to use Google my Business with NO website 
  • Book recommendation: Business Model Generation
  • Book recommendation: Different by Young Mae Moon 
  • The Lawyer Forward movement – what it is and how it helps lawyers
  • Book recommendation: The Business of Expertise, David Baker 
  • The Availability of Substitutes in the marketplace 
  • Story Grid book – and how it helps to create messaging 
  • The ultimate book recommendation: Lawyer Forward: finding your place in the future of law 
  • Breaking the cycle of being only as good as your next hour
  • How to STOP building a business model for others!
  • Why Lawyers are on Facebook, while their Service providers are on Twitter (and vice versa)k

To contact Mike:



Mike’s Bio:

Mike Whelan has worked in logistics, solo law practice and legal media. He teaches about those activities and what they mean for attorneys and the companies that aim to serve them. Through his speaking, consulting, and writing, Mike aims to improve the lives of solo attorneys. The legal industry has many well documented struggles. If we can harness the minds and compassion of solos, roughly half of the profession, we can have a real impact on an array of social issues, including access to justice. That is Mike’s mission. Mike lives with his wife, 4 children, a dog, 2 geckos, 4 cats, 2 birds and a hedgehog in the Kansas City area. Yes, Mike needs a nap!